Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Blogger Perspectives/People

Answer to questions

1. The picture looks like it is up-side down but it depends on how the photographer took the picture and what was the photographer trying to make you see.

2.I think the artist was trying to say that there is so much work to do and to do it you need music to keep you moving. There is not alot of time, life is going bye quick. The reason why I think that is because there are pipes on the bottom, tools on top of a machine that stands like a bulding, a calender near the bottom of the painting. The entire painting looks like an out door factory.

3. I feel that picture represents me because it is ful of bright colors, that shows that I am full of life. The dark spots of the painting shows my pain and my secerets. The way some of the colors mix is away of showing how I can get along with just about everyone and how I can adapt to my surroudings. The way the colors flows and looks like you can go on and on is showing you how I nver give up in my life, I keep moving forward.

4. The story to the comic looks like the two older men are the younger one brother or bullys. They are arguing and the younger boy goes to his room and starts to talk to himself or an imaginary friend. Honestly, I really don't know. There is to much going on.


antonio said...
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antonio said...

I think you made very good points on your answers and about yourself you should keep up the good work.